Exponenciel - Efficient and affordable Sage ACT! add-ons

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Paid Support

We offer free support through our Customer Center for all of our products. We also provide extensive user's manuals (see the individual product pages) or online help (starting with our ACT! 2010 addons).

More Specific Help

As much as we want our add-ons to be user-friendly and easy to learn, they all require some time investment on the part of the user.

If you want more specific help, maybe because you don't want or don't have much time to learn the product, we can provide this service to you. Nonetheless we do believe it is essential that any addon owner spend some time understanding the basics of the product. Our experience has been that otherwise any unexpected behavior of the product will create unnecessary frustration and result in poor user experience.

Typical paid support requests include creating a special calculation for Automatic Field Calculations or customizing a template for our Excel products.

The first step is to open a ticket in our Customer Center so that we can assess your needs and provide a quote.

Placing the order (prepayment only)

The second step is to place the order. After receiving the confirmation of your payment, we will provide the service as described in the quote.


Across this Web site, ACT! and ACT! Premium might be referred to as ACT! or Sage ACT!. Sage ACT! was the product name from 2010 to 2013.

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Design by Exponenciel

Exponenciel has been a leading developer of Sage ACT! add-ons, Sage ACT! addons, Sage ACT! plug-ins, Sage ACT! plugins since 2001.
ACT!, ACT! for Workgroup, ACT! for Web, ACT! Pro and ACT! Premium are registered trademarks of Swiftpage.