Exponenciel - Efficient and affordable Sage ACT! add-ons

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How to purchase our products

How to purchase our products

Payment is processed by FastSpring. It is secure, quick and efficient.

Once your credit card transaction is complete, the server will automatically send you an e-mail with a TRANSACTION CODE.

Licensing is based on the ACT! username (logon) not on the machine used. Each subscription (Act v22 and +) or license (Act v21 and -) is issued for a particular username and will work only for that username.

In other words: if you log into ACT! from 3 different machines using the same logon, you only need 1 subscription (Act v22 and +) or license (Act v21 and -). On the contrary, if you have 2 users using the same machine, you need 2 subscriptions/licenses.

I received my transaction confirmation by e-mail, what do I do now?

You'll receive a confirmation e-mail from FastSpring summarizing the transaction as well as another e-mail that will contain your transaction code(s) (that looks like this: XXX-XXXXX-XXX-XXXXX).

As explained in the e-mail, all you will need to do is go to our online registration page, enter you name, your e-mail address and the transaction code and after it asks for your ACT! username, our registration server will generate your subscription (Act v22 and later) or the license number (Act v21 and earlier) on the fly.

Act v22 and later: How do subscriptions work?

When you enter your transaction code and username, the server will generate a subscription for the duration you selected when placing the order (1 or 2 years). The add-on will check the subscription server and unlock your add-on. To identify your subscription, it only needs your Subscription Account Number and email address. If you buy several subscriptions of the same product (different usernames) or of different products, the Subscription Account Number and email address remain the same. As a matter of fact, you'll only need to enter it once per machine and all the Exponenciel Act! add-ons will pick it up.

Subscriptions can be renewed at any time. When you register your purchase and the system finds an existing unexpired subscription for the same add-on and username, it will automatically add the subscribed period at the end of the existing subscription term.

Act v21 and earlier: What's the difference between a transaction code and a license number?

The license number unlocks the trial version of the add-on and is calculated for a specific username. The transaction code is sent to you after your order has been approved and is required by our server to generate your license number. It is the link between the ordering and registration processes. Note that it can be used only once but that you might want to keep it in a safe place as in can be a useful reference when communicating with us.

In a nutshell and chronological order: you place the order, you get a transaction code and a link to our registration page, you follow the link, enter your transaction code and your ACT! username and you get a license number that unlocks your trial version.

How long does the whole process take?

You should receive your confirmation e-mail within minutes unless there is a problem with the credit card approval. Once you receive this e-mail, you're ready to go to our registration server which will generate the license number immediately.

I have been using the trial version. Do I need to download another file now that I bought a license?

No, you don't. The license number will simply unlock the trial version.

Upgrade policy

Owners of previous versions

Please select the version of Act! you're upgrading to under the Products tab in the navigation bar then look for the Upgrade page menu item.


Across this Web site, ACT! and ACT! Premium might be referred to as ACT! or Sage ACT!. Sage ACT! was the product name from 2010 to 2013.

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Exponenciel has been a leading developer of Sage ACT! add-ons, Sage ACT! addons, Sage ACT! plug-ins, Sage ACT! plugins since 2001.
ACT!, ACT! for Workgroup, ACT! for Web, ACT! Pro and ACT! Premium are registered trademarks of Swiftpage.