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Advanced Layout Tools Pack

The Advanced Layout Tools Pack is a collection of great layout tools, i.e. tools you insert in your layout the same way you insert fields or labels.

This tools can be purchased in the pack or individually.

Here is the list of tools included in the pack, in alphabetical order. Click on the link to view more details including screenshots and in most cases a video.

ACT! Command Button
Button that can execute any command from the ACT! menu.

Activity Button
Open the Schedule Activity window with predefined parameters.

Advanced Picture Field
Direct replacement for the ACT! picture field: adds options to limit image size and export as file.

Age Field
Automatically calculates and displays the age in a field (can be used in reports).

Browse and Open document Buttons
One button to browse and one button to open an external document.

Chart Bar
Graphical representation of a numeric value.

Checkbox Button
Replacement for the checkbox control: displays 2 customizable on/off buttons.

CopyToClipboard Button
Button to copy data from the current record to the clipboard.

Current Local Time Indicator
Displays the local time of the current record.

E-Board Control
Displays field content in an electronic-board-like control.

Graphical representation of a numeric value.

Generate Document Button
Button to launch the merge of the current record into a template.

Generate Document List
List of templates that you click to launch a merge of the current record into the selected template.

Group or Company Hierarchy
Replacement for the hierarchy control: adds active link and improves look.

Groupbox with Reset Button
Container with optional reset button to clear all fields in the GroupBox.

Help Button
Button displays help/tip information when clicked.

History Button
Button to quickly create a history record (can be set to bypass the History window).

Information Bar
Displays the content of a memo field in an information bar.

Last Activity Indicator
Displays the last activity scheduled with the current record.

Launch Button
Button to launch an external program, open a static file or a folder.

Launch Query Button
Button to launch a saved query.

Lookup Button
Button to open the lookup window with a field, an operator and a value already selected.

Month Calendar
Calendar that you click to schedule an activity.

Tabs anywhere in your layout. Great space saver.

Next Activity Indicator
Displays the next activity scheduled with the current record.

Displays an icon typically next to a field based on the field value.

Container. Has an option to make all fields it contains uneditable.

Picture Field Viewer
To view pictures stored inside ACT! stacked on top of one another.

Picture Viewer
To view pictures stored outside ACT! stacked on top of one another.

Product Names field for Opportunity List view
Lists the products of the opportunity in a field so that products can be seen in the opp list view.

Progress Bar
Graphical representation of a numeric value.

Sub-Group or Division Treeview
Replacement for the sub-groups or divisions control: displays all sub-levels and number of contacts.

Unique ID Field
Displays the GUID (unique ID) of the current record. Useful for exporting/importing purposes.

User Restricted Memo Field
Memo control you can restrict access to.

Vertical Display of Multi-Selected Items
Displays the selected items of a multi-select field one below the other.



Across this Web site, ACT! and ACT! Premium might be referred to as ACT! or Sage ACT!. Sage ACT! was the product name from 2010 to 2013.

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Exponenciel has been a leading developer of Sage ACT! add-ons, Sage ACT! addons, Sage ACT! plug-ins, Sage ACT! plugins since 2001.
ACT!, ACT! for Workgroup, ACT! for Web, ACT! Pro and ACT! Premium are registered trademarks of Swiftpage.