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Excel Templates


"After testing other export add-ons,
we decided to go with Excel Templates for ACT!.
The program is able to perform the functions
we needed and is by far the simplest to use!"

Steve Boyles
North State Communications

Ever wished you could merge contact information in your Excel spreadsheets? You can with Excel Templates for ACT! And it is simple too! If you are able to create a Word template with ACT!, you are able to create an Excel Template with ACT! We made it as simple as possible, mimicking the way you create templates in MS Word or in ACT! Word Processor.

Create your own templates in minutes

Launch Excel Templates for ACT!, click File | New Template and the program will open a new document in Excel with almost the same popup window ACT! displays in Word. There are just a few more options (see screenshot).

Merging a document is a 2 simple steps

  1. You select the contact in ACT!
  2. You launch Excel Templates for ACT!, pick a template and click OK.

Use Excel as a calculator!

You may even use the power of Excel to perform calculations and update one or more of the current contact fields with the result of the calculation. Let's say you want to add User1 and User2 and put the total in User3. You could export User1 and User2 to Excel, have Excel calculate the sum and return it to the User3 field. All you need to do is insert an Excel->ACT field in your template.

You may even perform this operation in the background, without opening the merged document.

Merge sales/opportunities fields to create quotes and invoices

You may also use the same method to include sales/opportunities fields to quickly create quotes and invoices based on the data already entered under your Sales/opportunities tab. For this see Excel Templates with Quote/Invoice maker for ACT!



Across this Web site, ACT! and ACT! Premium might be referred to as ACT! or Sage ACT!. Sage ACT! was the product name from 2010 to 2013.

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Exponenciel has been a leading developer of Sage ACT! add-ons, Sage ACT! addons, Sage ACT! plug-ins, Sage ACT! plugins since 2001.
ACT!, ACT! for Workgroup, ACT! for Web, ACT! Pro and ACT! Premium are registered trademarks of Swiftpage.