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Navigation Bar for Companies-Groups

Make your Company and Group Detail views behave like the Contact Detail view. With Navigation Bar for Companies-Groups, you may view lookups in Company and Group Detail views. The addon adds a navigation bar similar to the one used in Contact Detail view. Detail views and List views are synchronized. You will feel much more comfortable working with companies and groups.

Would you not feel more comfortable
if your company and group detail views
would work like your contact detail view?

Browse company and group lookups in detail view

Below is the navigation bar that this add-on will add to your company and group detail view. Looks familiar? It is identical to the contact navigation bar. There is just one extra button to include subgroups (group screen) or divisions (company screen).

Synchronized detail and list views

When you switch from company or group detail to list view or vice versa, you will see that the two screens are synchronized displaying the same information (as in the contact module).



Across this Web site, ACT! and ACT! Premium might be referred to as ACT! or Sage ACT!. Sage ACT! was the product name from 2010 to 2013.

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Exponenciel has been a leading developer of Sage ACT! add-ons, Sage ACT! addons, Sage ACT! plug-ins, Sage ACT! plugins since 2001.
ACT!, ACT! for Workgroup, ACT! for Web, ACT! Pro and ACT! Premium are registered trademarks of Swiftpage.